Saturday 12 November 2011


I do have a question and would like to hear your thoughts on this subject. The other day I was standing outside my daughters preschool with 5 other moms. I was the only woman there who's husband was not working in Alberta but mine plans to after Chrictmas. So my question is how can we secure more fulltime work in the Oceanside ALL year round? I grew up here and also graduated from KSS in 95 and would love my 2 children to have the same opportunity. We moved back here to raise our children and would love to STAY! Thank you for your time!

Thanks for your question. One of the main points of my campaign platform is demographics, and finding ways to keep young families like yours from moving, or in your case, having one of the parents working out of town. I feel this is critical to the future of Parksville, and I think the answer is 3-fold.
1) We need an economic development plan to draw businesses to the area. Large companies with the ability to pay sufficient wages to enable families to afford to live in the area. Tech sector companies, new “low impact” manufacturing businesses, companies that will complement the existing businesses, bolster the economy, and enhance the community.
2) We need an education facility that will be an option for students graduating from high school, and also be a draw for student from outside the area. Similar to North Island College, possibly a full trades program, specialty programs, etc.
3) Attainable housing will be necessary to allow young families to get a foothold here, a place to start. As well as allowing students to remain in the area.

This is not a short term solution, and is not something that will happen overnight, but it is essential that we begin the process now. Our economy presently is based on service industry jobs that do not provide a living wage, tourism industry work that are great jobs for students, but cannot support a family. We need to build on what we presently have, the area is very inviting but is not the entire package, that the companies we need to bring to this area require.
I will certainly be working hard to find ways to expedite the creation of jobs in this area that will allow families like yours to stay together, and remain in Parksville.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Q&A's get to know Peter. Ask your own!

These are some questions that all candidates have been asked, by different organizations, please feel free to ask your own questions, and I will do my best to be diligent in answering them.

1.       What role do you see for local government in providing business the opportunity to create jobs?

The key thing that will spur job creation in our community is attracting younger families.  All departments within the city play a key role in accomplishing this goal. 

Our Parks and Recreation department ensures that our public spaces are well maintained, safe and beautiful.  This is the key to ensuring that Parksville is viewed as the paradise we all know it is. 

Our Engineering Department ensures that we have the infrastructure that we need to enjoy our quality of life, and assist the private sector in ensuring that development works in concert with the overall city structure.  This ensures that investment in our community is handled professionally, and represents opportunity for the investment community.

Our Planning Department handles all of the land-use issues, and ensures that change in our community is in concert with the will of our citizens.  A smooth and predictable bureaucratic process is critical in attracting new growth and new investment in our community.

Each of these groups must work together to the betterment of our business community, and of Parksville as a whole.

2.       What is one thing would you do to stimulate job growth in Parksville?

Economic development is imperative to job growth. We need to put in place a plan to make Parksville attractive to new business, in collaboration with our regional partners.

3.       What do you see as the community’s most pressing business concern? How would you work on this as a city council member?

I think the aging workforce is a growing concern, with our current demographic trend, it’s becoming imperative that we draw young families to the area to offset this imbalance. Working towards a post-secondary education facility that will keep our high school grads in the area, combined with a downtown revitalization initiative that will create a downtown core that is attractive, vibrant and fosters economic growth.

4.       What do you think is the most important issue facing the city in the next two years?

I feel completing the OCP is vital, so we have a vision in place, to move forward. We need to ensure we have the infrastructure in place to support projected growth, and create a policy environment that is attractive to the business and investment community.

5.       If elected, what would be your primary goal for the next year?

I believe we need to focus on expanding the city’s economic development partnership, there have been some recent in-roads that are a great start, and we need to build on that foundation to spur economic growth in the city.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Peter Morrison for City Council

My name is Peter Morrison, I have lived in the Oceanside area for over 20 years. I made the decision to run for council for one main reason, I love living here, and want to be involved in shaping the future of Parksville, ensuring we maintain the very essence of what drew us all here in the first place. It’s a wonderful place for my wife and I to raise our daughter, we’ve been married for 16 years, and in this day and age, I think that speaks volumes by itself.

While there are many challenges and opportunities facing Parksville, I feel our demographic issues, downtown core and waterfront, as well as the infrastructure should be of primary focus. We must be proactive, with a vision to the future on all of these issues.

Our waterfront is our single greatest asset, and is the right and the privilege of our entire community. It is imperative that we preserve our waterfront for everyone.

This can be achieved by working closely with the property owners and developers to ensure that not only are their goals met, but the wishes of our community have a strong voice in the shape of any project along the waterfront.

I would like to see a downtown core that entices people to stay and explore what Parksville has to offer. A cohesive and friendly downtown that beckons visitors, bolsters the local economy and sets the stage for creating competitive wages that will keep our young families here.

 We need to find a balance that supports our wonderful way of life, entice green industry and educate the workforce needed to fill those jobs, a balance that strengthens the local economy without being a detriment to what currently makes Parksville such a great place to live.

Make an informed decision, and VOTE on November 19th.